Archive for June 18th, 2006


Mel Gibson and and Simple People from the Heartland have something in common

June 18, 2006

According to this news story, Mel Gibson is moving away from Britney Spears because, "Spears, who has been visited by police and family services this year, also has a steady stream of fans gathering outside the gates. "People are always hanging around outside the gates and he is worried his kids might get hurt," a source reportedly said."

Now, I am routinely tempted to move from my neighbors, because…well…this picture says it all. Someone, it could be a wind, it could be a stranger, pushed that trash bag right over the property line.  How do I know it is theirs? I don't, except that it is a WHITE TRASH bag and they tend to bag up trash in white bag, and they seem like the type to not recycle.  But, they have been out in their yard — noisily, of course — and they've seen the bag and done nothing to contain it.  I've seen them mow the yard and throw trash in the yard.

They aren't bad neighbors in the sense that they steal from us or anything.  They are just annoying neighbors because they are … so, so annoying.  I shaped it like a dove/oragami paper crane to remind me to be peaceful about the whole thing/to remember that there are larger problems in the world, like those kids who had to make the 1000 paper cranes and the girl who had lukemia and started all the cranes…and the kids who read the book now and have to attempt to make the paper cranes.  My third grade class was reading that when I got chicken pox, and I had to do all that at home.  (shudder).

white trash bag
The dirt patch is where they ride ATVs (in a not very legal and highly inconsiderate manner,  I might add). 

— The 5'5 one.